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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Phase 2 of Riyadh Public Transport Buses Starts Operation

The Royal Commission for Riyadh City (RCRC) announced on Monday the start of the second phase of the Riyadh Buses service within the King Abdulaziz Public Transport Project.

This phase includes the addition of nine routes; an extension of Route No. 11, which is for buses with a designated lane, and an additional 223 buses that serve passengers covering many districts of Riyadh through 500 new stations and stopping points.

With operation of the second phase, the total number of routes that were operational reached 24, and the number of operating buses stood at 560 buses, covering more than 1,100 stations and stopping points, with a length of 1,120 kilometres out of a total network of 1,900 km.

The second phase of the Riyadh Buses was launched under the slogan “More buses, routes and stations,” which aims to introduce the available services and the additional services that have been introduced in the network.

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Saudi Gazette

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