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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Overseas Hajj Pilgrims Urged To Disclose Possessions of Over SR 60,000

Saudi Arabia has urged overseas pilgrims, heading to the country for next month’s Islamic Hajj pilgrimage, to disclose upon arrival their possession of more than SR60,000 in value.

The advice was made as the numbers of pilgrims planning to perform Hajj this year is set to return to the pre-endemic levels.

The kingdom’s Ministry of Hajj has urged the pilgrims to disclose their financial possession upon arrival to facilitate and fast-track entry procedures.

“Make sure you disclose sums of money and objects in your possession if their value exceeds SR60,000,” the ministry said on Twitter.

They compromise cash money including foreign currencies, gifts, devices, jewellery and precious metals, it explained.

The ministry advised pilgrims not to carry large cash while going to the kingdom to ensure swift and smooth procedures.


Gulf News

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