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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Over 90,000 Mosques to Reopen Starting on Sunday

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Call and Guidance in Saudi Arabia and its staff are preparing to begin maintenance, cleaning and sanitisation of over 90,000 major and minor mosques across the Kingdom, which reopen on Sunday except the mosques in the holy city of Makkah, after a closure of more than two months.

The elderly and those with chronic diseases are advised to perform their prayers at home. Reading and reciting the Holy Quran online is advised, too, from one’s own mobile phone or at least reading from a privately owned copy of the Holy Quran.

Bringing one’s prayer mat to perform prayers in mosques is highly recommended as well as keeping a two-metre distance between one another prayer.

Accompanying children under the age of 15 to the mosques is prohibited.

Putting on a face mask and avoiding shaking hands and other contact is also recommended.



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