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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Over 51,000 illegally stored medical packets seized

The Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has seized 51,900 medical packets inappropriately stored by two unlicensed businesses in the capital Riyadh.

The SDFA said on Twitter that the two facilities had stored medical products in violation of related conditions.

“Owners of the two establishments have been summoned to complete legal procedures against them,” the state agency added without further details.

In recent weeks, the SDFA has stepped up inspection swoops as the kingdom struggles to stem the spread of the coronavirus and expose health-threatening violations.

Earlier this week, the SDFA detected an unlicensed centre in Riyadh dealing in cosmetic products without complying with proper storing measures.

Some 300,000 products were seized there and legal procedures were taken against the violating enterprise.

The SDFA, meanwhile, closed down an illegal fodder factory in Jizan in south-western Saudi Arabia for doing business without meeting the required conditions. Three tons of poorly warehoused fodder were seized.


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