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Saudi ArabiaHealth

Saudi: Over 450 food and drugs violations found in September

Saudi Arabia completed a number of inspection visits in the Kingdom in September that resulted in recording 459 violations, including 288 visits to food establishments, 100 to pharmaceutical establishments, 60 to beauty facilities and 11 to veterinary facilities.

The most prominent violations detected in the food establishments involved food labels that did not conform to regulation or that were placed incorrectly. The penalty for such violations can reach up to SR1 million ($267,000).
In addition, a ban could be imposed, preventing the violator from practising any food business for up to 180 days.
There is also the possibility of license cancellations and/or suspensions for a period not exceeding one year.

In pharmaceutical facilities, the most prominent violation was the absence of an integrated SFDA-approved electronic tracking system. The violations detected in the beauty facilities involved the advertising and promotion of a cosmetic product contrary to the regulations and conditions of advertising. The violations observed in the veterinary facilities included selling an unregistered veterinary product.

The penalty for such violations can reach up to SR5 million. In addition, the factory or warehouse could face closure and/or a loss of license until the violation is corrected.


Arab News

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