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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Over 13k illegals arrested in a week

Around 13,906 violators of residency and labour laws and border security regulations have been arrested in various regions of the Kingdom within a week. The arrests were made during joint field campaigns carried out by various units of security forces and the General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) during the period from 11 to 17 November.

Those arrested included 6,597 violators of the residency laws, about 5,775 violators of the border security regulations, and more than 1,534 violators of the labour law. The security forces also arrested 14 people who were involved in transporting violators and giving them shelter.

The total number of violators, who are currently subject to the punitive measures, accounted for more than 86,952 including more than 78,650 men and 8,302 women, while the cases of 73,393 violators were referred to their diplomatic missions to obtain travel documents for their deportation.


Saudi Gazette

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