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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Over 100 Health Facilities Shut, Fined for COVID-19 Violations

More than 100 health facilities, including hospitals and medical complexes, in Saudi Arabia were shut down and fined for failing to adhere to health requirements issued by the Ministry of Health to curb the coronavirus outbreak, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Monday.

Twenty-five hospitals and 55 medical complexes were asked to close during visits conducted by the health ministry’s compliance teams to more than 55,000 medical facilities, SPA cited the ministry as saying.

Several facilities were also fined SR 300,000 ($79,819) as a warning against future violations, SPA reported

Health institutions and medical practitioners may also have their licenses withdrawn if they continue to violate regulations, the ministry warned.

However, some institutions will be allowed to resume operations once they follow the ministry’s guidelines and pay their fines, according to SPA.


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