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Money & BusinessGCC Countries

Saudi: No Unpaid Leave Without Workers’ Consent

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development clarified that the Kingdom’s Labor Law does not allow granting employees to go on unpaid leave without their consent.

“In light of the current corona-related circumstances which do not allow carrying out duties in regular ways, the firms could follow alternative methods to enable their employees to complete their tasks, including remote work.” the ministry said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

The ministry affirmed that the labour contracts are binding on both parties —employee and employer, adding that the temporary extraordinary circumstances have nothing to do with it. The Ministry urges all private firms to cooperate and abide by the statutory provisions.

“Any complaints about violations of labour rules can be intimated to the ministry through its App “Ma3an lil Rasd” on smartphones or calling on the number 19911,” the statement added.


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