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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: No permit for prayer at Grand Mosque from Friday

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced that it has stopped issuing permits for performing prayers at the Grand Mosque effective from Friday, July 16.

This is part of the phase of the preparations to receive pilgrims at the Grand Mosque for this year’s Hajj season. Also, the ministry has completed all the preparations and arrangements to serve as many as 60,000 domestic pilgrims who hail from 150 nations with deploying a total of 25,000 staffers to serve them.

The Central Haram Area in Makkah has been actually emptied except for those pilgrims who have permits. As of Friday, the entry will be only for those who have a valid Hajj permit, and all health, security and organizational controls have been put in place in the holy city.

The ministry has completed all its preparations to receive the pilgrims from various regions of the Kingdom, and that is in coordination with all the licensed service providers.


Saudi Gazette

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