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Saudi ArabiaTravel

Saudi: New travel restrictions announced

Saudi Arabia announced new travel restrictions on Thursday that will enter into force on February 9, 2022.

All Saudi citizens must take the booster dose of coronavirus vaccine to travel outside the Kingdom effective from Feb. 9 (Rajb 8). Children under the age of 16 and others excluded under the terms covered by the Tawakkalna app are exempt from the new rule.

All arrivals to the Kingdom, including citizens, must submit a negative PCR result 48 hours before their departure to the Kingdom, regardless of their immunization status. This does not apply to children under the age of eight.

Saudi citizens who test positive prior to arrival but have received the approved number of COVID jabs will be required to remain outside the country for seven days after providing the positive sample. Those who have not received all of their doses will be made to wait 10 days before being allowed back in.


Arab News

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