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Saudi ArabiaExpats

Saudi: Nearly 16k residency, work, border security violations reported

The Saudi interior ministry on Saturday reported 15,900 cases of residency, work and border security violations across the Kingdom in one week.

The joint security field campaigns from Aug 12-18 resulted in the arrests of 5,436 individuals who were in breach of the residence system, 9,075 of the border security system and 1,389 of the labor system.

The ministry added that 454 were arrested for trying to illegally cross the border, of whom 51% were Ethiopian, 45% Yemeni and 4% were other nationalities. Meanwhile, 23 were arrested for trying to illegally exit the Kingdom.

Over 8,000 expat violators were deported while eight people involved in transporting and harboring them were arrested.

The interior ministry warned that anyone who facilitates the illegal entry of individuals into the Kingdom shall be punished with penalties of up to 15 years imprisonment and a fine of up to one million riyals.


Arab News

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