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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Mourns First Doctor to Succumb to Coronavirus

A Pakistani surgeon is the first doctor to lose his life in Saudi Arabia as a result of the coronavirus disease, COVID-19.

Naeem Chaudhry died two days ago in Makkah, where he worked in the General Surgery Department at Hira General Hospital.

Dr. Wael Hamzah Mutair, director-general of Makkah Health Affairs, said the city has lost one of its most skilled and prominent general surgeons.

He paid tribute to Chaudhry as one of the front-line workers who have played such an important role in the fight against COVID-19 in the Kingdom and confirmed he contracted the virus during the course of his work, not from anyone outside the hospital.

His only existing health problem was high blood pressure, Mutair added.

Chaudhry is survived by his wife and three daughters, who live in Makkah.


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