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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: More than 50% of families prefer to use solar energy

The usage of clean and renewable energy sources in Saudi households recorded a remarkable increase, according to the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT).

According to GASTAT data, 52.42% of families in Saudi Arabia want to use solar energy in their homes, while the percentage of housing units that have thermal insulation reached 35.25%.

The data showed that fuel consumption in houses in all regions of the Kingdom recorded an increase in 2021 compared to previous years. At 98.62%, butane gas accounted for the highest percentage of the total household fuel consumption in 2021.

In terms of cooking fuel, 81.93% of the households use gas as the primary fuel, while 17.14% use electricity as the main fuel for cooking, and only 0.26% of the households use firewood as the main fuel for cooking.



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