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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: More than 3,300 curfew violations in a day

The Security Spokesman for the Ministry of Interior Lt. Col. Talal Al-Shalhoub stressed on Saturday that the curfew regulation and the regulation limiting gatherings were necessitated to curb the spread of coronavirus, but violations of the curfew continued to grow.

He said the number of violations of the curfew reached 3,334 on Friday, with violators caught in every region and city of the Kingdom. Of the 3,334 curfew violations Kingdom-wide, 1,845 violators were in Riyadh, followed by Makkah Province with 281 violators, and the Eastern Province with 277 violators.

Lt. Col. Al-Shalhoub said that the periods allowed for mobility are meant to enable all to go out and get their most essential needs. It is not for visits and socializing that violate the regulation limiting gatherings, as they contribute to the outbreak and transmission of the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

On inspecting, the competent authorities found that they were not complying with mandatory social distancing. Furthermore, they were violating the regulations that restricted gatherings, as well as the residency (iqama) and labor regulations.

The security spokesman stressed that the ban on gatherings of all forms, shapes, and places of occurrence, include any gathering of one or more families, from a family of 5 or more in one limited space, such that those in the gathering have no relationship, and specifically if they are not living in the same residence. In other words, they have no residential relationship.


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