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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Midday Work Ban Lifted: 95% Compliance Achieved in 2023

The Ministry of Human Resources and Development (MHRSD) announced the end of the specified period prohibiting all establishments from working under the sun.

The decision ended with a compliance rate of establishments reaching 95% during 2023, compared to 93% in 2022.

The Ministry’s announcement of the end of the time period specified for the implementation of Ministerial Resolution No. (3337) dated 7/15/1435 AH prohibiting working in the sun came in coordination with the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health.

The prohibition f working in the sun was for three months, starting from June 15, 2023, until Sept. 15. 2023.

This decision came out of MHRSD and the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health’s keenness to preserve the safety and health of workers, and to provide them with a healthy and safe work environment, in accordance with occupational safety and health requirements.

During the period of implementation of the decision, the two bodies worked to direct employers to the necessity of regulating working hours and taking into account what was stipulated in the decision, with the aim of reducing occupational injuries and diseases.

Among the things they also did to raise awareness of the importance of implementing the decision, was publishing media campaigns, and holding various awareness workshops for employers and workers.

This is in addition to conducting a number of field monitoring tours to ensure that establishments in all regions of Saudi Arabia comply with the implementation of the decision.

It is noteworthy that the MHRSD established the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health as one of its initiatives in the National Transformation Program 2020, within the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

The aim of establishing the Council is to develop occupational safety and health practices in Saudi Arabia and achieve a distinctive work environment and an attractive labor market, based on the application of the best international standards and the most prominent international practices related to the field of occupational safety and health and the work environment.


Saudi Gazette

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