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GCC CountriesExpats

Saudi: Mechanism for Visa Extension Without Expat Fee

The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) unveiled the mechanism to exempt foreign workers from expat fee until the end of June 2020, as part of efforts to combat the economic fallout of coronavirus.

The Jawazat relief measure covers the extension of residency permits (iqama) as well as exit and re-entry visas and final exit visas. The extension will be made through Absher and Muqeem portals of the Ministry of Interior.

Iqama renewal: For expatriates who have commercial trade as their profession and whose residency permit (iqama) expires between March 18 and June 30, they will be exempted from the expat fee and their iqamas can be extended for a period of three months free of charge. The iqama period will be extended online and they need not personally contact any Jawazat offices for this.

Exit and Reentry Visa: With regard to expatriates, who have commercial profession as their trade, and whose exit and re-entry visas were not used during the period from Feb. 25 to March 20 because of the temporary suspension of entry and exit to and from the Kingdom, their exit and re-entry visas will be extended for a period of three months without any charge.

Final Exit Visa: The Jawazat said that business owners, who got final exit visas for their workers issued after the expiry of their residency permit, can cancel final exit visa of their workers and their stay in the Kingdom will be extended for a period of three months without the payment of expat fee.


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