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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Major drug smuggling network of 50 arrested

An extensive drug smuggling network has been broken up by Saudi authorities following combined sea and land operations in Jazan, Najran, Asir, Makkah and Tabuk.

A total of 50 people, including 27 Saudi citizens, had been arrested as part of the crackdown.

A total of 279,010 amphetamine pills, 330 kilograms of hashish and almost 40 tons of the stimulant drug khat had been seized, he said.

Ten Ethiopians, six Bangladeshis, four Yemenis, two Somalis and one Indian were arrested for alleged breaches of border security.

Six Yemenis were also arrested for border violations after a Border Guards patrol in Saqam, Najran, foiled an attempt to smuggle 138 kilograms of hashish.

Land patrols in Damad, Jazan, recently seized 163 kilograms of hashish and arrested an alleged Saudi smuggler as part of an operation targeting illegal drug imports.


Arab News

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