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CrimeSaudi Arabia

Saudi: Largest drug haul, 47M pills seized; 8 expats arrested

In the largest ever drug haul, Saudi security authorities seized more than 47 million amphetamine pills and arrested eight foreigners involved in the smuggling.

A huge cache of drugs was smuggled into the Riyadh dry port and then transported into a warehouse. The security officials raided the warehouse and arrested the smugglers. They included six Syrian nationals and two Pakistanis.

A total of 46,916,480 amphetamine pills, which were hidden inside a shipment of flour, were smuggled into the Kingdom. The seizure was made by the directorate officials in coordination with the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority. The suspects were arrested, and initial legal measures were taken against them, before referring them to the Public Prosecution.

The seized narcotics were the largest quantity of drugs smuggled ever into the Kingdom in a single operation.


Saudi Gazette

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