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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Jail, Deportation for Residents, Employers Assisting Visa Violators

The government of Saudi Arabia has warned residents and employers in the country against helping those that do not have valid visas.

Saudi Press Agency has put out the announcement from the Public Security Authority, urging residents to avoid employing, housing or assisting violators of visas in any way.

Anybody that assists a violator in any manner will be subject to a fine of SAR100,000 and will be imprisoned for six months. They will also be deported after they serve their sentence.

Any employer that has hired an individual who does not meet appropriate visa requirements will have to pay a fine of up to SAR100,000 and will be sentenced to prison for six months. Aside from that, they will be banned from recruiting for a period of six months.

Any self-employed person that does not meet the visa requirements will be fined up to SAR50,000 and will be sentenced to jail for up to six months. The person will also be deported from the country.


Khaleej Times

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