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WorldSaudi Arabia

Saudi issues 6 decisions to localize jobs and provide opportunities

Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) issued six decisions to localize some jobs and activities, in cooperation with the supervisory entities.

In a statement, the ministry indicated that the localized professions include licensed aviation, optics, customer service, regular inspection activities, outlets of postal and parcel delivery services, and outlets of seven business activities across the Kingdom.

The move aims to provide Saudi nationals with more than 33,000 job opportunities, to raise their participation in the labor market and contribution to the economic system.

  • The decision to localize the licensed aviation professions will be implemented in two phases: the first starts on March 15, 2023 and includes the 100% Saudization of the copilot, air controller, and dispatcher professions. Meanwhile, the aviation transport pilot and air host professions will be 60% and 50% Saudized, respectively.
  • The second phase will start on March 4, 2024, and includes the Saudization of airline transport pilot and air host professions by 70% and 60%, respectively. The decision applies to all private establishments, which have five or more employees in the specified professions.
  • HRSD decided to Saudize the optics professions by 50% as of March 18, 2023, in all private establishments operating in the Saudi market and having four employees or more. The relevant target professions include medical optics technician, physics laboratory technician, light and optics, and optics technician.
  • The ministry also decided to Saudize the vehicle regular technical inspection outlets professions in two phases. During the first phase, 50% of professions will be Saudized, while the second phase aims to Saudize 100% of the professions.
  • The most prominent localized professions are site manager, assistant manager, quality manager, financial supervisor, and site supervisor, lane leader, inspection technician, assistant inspection technician, maintenance technician, information technician, and data entry specialist.
  • The postal and parcel delivery services outlets, which have 14 sub-activities of postal and parcel services, will be localized as of Dec. 17, 2022. The CEO jobs will be 100% localized. The first and second levels of top management jobs will be 60% and 70% localized, respectively.
  • Meanwhile, the customer service professions will be 100% Saudized for the establishments that provide customer services as a core or supporting activity, or through outsourcing. The decision will apply starting Dec. 17, 2022, and will create over 4,000 jobs.
  • According to the decisions, the sales outlets of seven business activities will be 70% Saudized.

Saudized professions in these activities cover branch manager, supervisor, treasurer, customer accountant, and customer services agent jobs. The decision will provide more than 12,000 jobs and will take effect in 12 months from the issuance date.



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