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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Insurance for House Workers Not Obligatory, Applicable to Only New Labor Contracts

The Musaned platform revealed that insurance for domestic workers is limited only to new labour contracts. The platform stated that insurance service for domestic worker contracts is not obligatory.

The domestic worker contracts can be insured optionally in the current period, by agreeing to enter into the insurance service when contracting through the platform, it said while noting that the service was launched experimentally.

According to Musaned, a decision on the provision of insurance can be made at the time of concluding the labour contract, and domestic workers cannot be insured after their arrival in the Kingdom.

The platform also explained that the cost of insurance varies based on several factors, such as the worker’s profession, monthly wage, nationality, age, and the cost of the contract. The insurance amount can be mentioned in the contract invoice.

If any employer wishes to cancel the insurance policy after the arrival of the house worker, he can contact the insurance company directly in accordance with the insurance companies’ cancellation policy.


Saudi Gazette

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