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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Iftar banquets to be back at Prophet Mosque

The Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah announced on Thursday a plan to resume the mass iftar (breaking fast) program at the mosque during the upcoming holy month of Ramadan after a hiatus of two years.

The iftar program has been suspended as part of precautionary measures following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic since Ramadan 1441, which started on April 24, 2020.

The resumption of iftar meal at the Prophet’s Mosque will be under strict health protocols to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Only those people who are licensed to spread iftar sofra (spread on which food is laid) will be allowed to do so at their previously designated places. The exact number of worshipers allowed at each sofra will be informed later after reviewing the pandemic situation.

The regulations also include seating on one side of the sofra, facing the qiblah. Those licensed to provide iftar meal service shall update their data effective from the beginning of the month of Rajab (Feb. 2, 2022).


Saudi Gazette

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