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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Hofuf Railway Station Renovation in Final Phase

Hofuf railway station is in its final phase of renovation, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Transport and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Saudi Railways Organization (SRO) Eng. Saleh Al-Jasser said.

The refurbishment works include the renovation of entrances, ticket sales offices, passenger waiting lounge and service facilities.

Al-Jasser said the capacity of the station has also increased after the launch of the “Comprehensive access program” to serve people with special needs with setting up of a pedestrian bridge to link two parts of the station’s platform and four lifts to facilitate the movement of wheelchair users.

The SRO will increase the number of weekly services between its stations in Riyadh, Dammam, Hofuf and Abqaiq to reach 350 trips for passengers, an increase of 78 services over the previous number of 272 trips, up by 31 percent.

“With this increase, the number of available seats jumped to 62,000 seats compared to about 47,000 seats earlier,” he said while indicating that the new scheduled trips will begin from July 12.


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