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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Hajj Ministry launches new smart cards for pilgrims

New smart cards will be provided for pilgrims in the coming Hajj season as part of the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah’s efforts to ease services for worshippers using advanced tech features.

The ministry launched the Hajj smart platform and card as part of this year’s Makkah Cultural Forum, held under the title: “How to be an example in the digital world.”

The smart ID cards will contain barcodes holding personal, medical, and residence information, and will also help guide pilgrims to their residences in Mashaer through kiosks distributed throughout the area.

The smart card relies on near-field communication technology, which makes the card readable via the self-service devices deployed in the Holy Mashaer.

The launch of the smart cards follows the distribution of 50,000 smart cards to pilgrims during Hajj two years ago. The smart cards will be managed via a unified control center for all services with the participation of government and civil agencies.


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