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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Grants Free Visas for Those Coming From Sudan on a Legal Basis

Lt. Gen. Sulaiman Al-Yahya, director general of Passports (Jawazat), announced that Saudi Arabia will grant free visas for all nationals who have been evacuated from Sudan on a legal basis.

Speaking to the Al-Ekhbariya channel, he said that this initiative comes under the directives of the wise leadership of Saudi Arabia. “Accordingly, those who were evacuated from Sudan can enter the Kingdom as any member of the Saudi society and as any person who visits the Kingdom and they can have free movement. However, they must have scheduled departure plans,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the Kingdom had managed to evacuate as many as 5,013 people belonging to 100 countries from Sudan since the beginning of the military operations between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces.


Saudi Gazette
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