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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Grand Mosque permits restricted to fully vaccinated starting Oct 10

The Ministry of Hajj and Umrah announced that only fully vaccinated pilgrims will be allowed to apply for Umrah and prayer permits at the Grand Mosque in Makkah starting from Sunday, Oct. 10.

The same applies for permits to Rawdah Sharif and the grave of the Prophet at the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah.

The ministry clarified that categories exempted from taking vaccinations, as shown by Tawakkalna application, will not be affected by the rule.

The ministry asked all those who have been issued permits to take the second dose 48 hours before the date of the permit to avoid cancellation.

Appointments are available at the vaccination centers throughout the Kingdom.

All precautionary and preventive measures related to the pandemic are subject to continuous evaluation by the Public Health Authority (Weqaya), according to the developments in the epidemiological situation.


Saudi Gazette

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