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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Gears up To Welcome Over 120 Million Visitors at Riyadh Expo 2030

Saudi Arabia has revealed its readiness to welcome over 120 million visitors for Expo 2030 in a new video on Twitter. Titled ‘Riyadh, ready to welcome the world in Expo 2030,’ the 39-second clip showcased the cityscape of Riyadh, highlighting the nation’s remarkable journey into becoming a modern metropolis.

At the heart of Expo 2030 lies Saudi Arabia’s commitment to sustainable growth, a central theme that the Kingdom aims to emphasise if it wins the bid.

The video touted the event as the “most connected exhibition ever,” with Riyadh Air serving as the partner company, facilitating seamless travel for visitors from all corners of the globe. The ambitious goal is to transport visitors from the airport to the site in just five minutes, offering unparalleled convenience.

The kingdom has already allocated $7.8 Billion for Riyadh Expo 2030. Minister of Investment Eng. Khalid bin Abdulaziz Al-Falih explained that the exhibition budget amounts to $7.8 billion, motivating the Saudi broader investment plans in Riyadh, as per a statement by the official Riyadh Expo 2030 website.

Scheduled to take place from October 1, 2030, to March 31, 2031, Riyadh Expo 2030 plans to explore the theme of “The Era of Change: Together for a Foresighted Tomorrow.” The location near the developing King Salman International Airport ensures easy accessibility for attendees arriving in the city.

Competition for hosting rights is fierce, with Busan, South Korea, Rome, and Odesa in Ukraine all competing to win the opportunity to host the prestigious event. The final decision will be announced in November.

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