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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Foils Bid To Smuggle Cocaine in Passengers’ Guts

The officials of the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority at King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah have foiled an attempt to smuggle cocaine, weighing more than 3 kilograms, into Saudi Arabia. The seized cocaine was hidden in the guts of three passengers who arrived at the airport.

The authority said that during the routine inspection of passengers arriving at the airport, the officials took an X-ray scan of the three suspected passengers and that resulted in the detection of cocaine hidden inside their intestines.

The authority noted that the attempts to smuggle drugs hidden inside intestines are among the major methods used by smugglers to try to bring in drugs such as heroin and cocaine, but the authority is making all efforts to thwart such attempts to safeguard society and country.


Saudi Gazette
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