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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Five arrested after assault on restaurant workers

Saudi security authorities have arrested five citizens suspected of involvement in a brutal assault on workers at a fast-food restaurant outside Riyadh city. Two expatriate workers sustained serious injuries in the attack.

The arrests were made after a video clip of the incident became viral on social media and the intervention of the Attorney General.

The incident took place in Al-Khasra shopping center in Al-Quwaieyah governorate in the Riyadh region. Police in the region were able to identify the five suspects and arrested them from Al-Kharj governorate. The men have been referred to the Public Prosecution after taking initial legal measures against them.

After the video clip showing the attack surfaced on social media, Attorney General Sheikh Saud Al-Moajab issued an order asking the security authorities to apply Articles 15 and 17 of the Criminal Procedure Law in the case, quickly arrest the aggressors and hand them over to the Public Prosecution.


Saudi Gazette
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