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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: First Flight of Filipinos Leaves For Manila

The first flight carrying Filipino expats left Saudi Arabia for the Philippines last night.

The flight left King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah at 8 p.m. for King Khalid International Airport in Riyadh and from there it took off at 10.30 p.m. heading for Manila.

During the past few days, some companies and establishments submitted applications to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development to facilitate the return of some of their workers to their countries.

The ministry had announced on April 1 that it was working on an extraordinary initiative that would enable some expatriate workers to return to their countries, and it has set out the terms and conditions to be fulfilled for them to be sent home.

This initiative is aimed mainly to facilitate the return of those expats whose contracts with their employers have come to an end.


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