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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Female-focused platform raises $700,000 pre-seed fund

KSA-based EdTech Playbook has raised a $700,000 pre-Seed round, led by 500 Global, Sanabil Investments, Faith Capital, Women Spark and a group of angel investors.

Playbook is an edutainment platform for women with a mission to bridge the global gender gap and get more women into leadership roles through access to a diverse digital academy of masterclasses led by women leaders with future AI Technology integration and an engaged professional learning community.

The platform runs on a subscription-based model with annual subscription packages for individuals and teams. The high-production Masterclasses within Playbook Academy are led by women who reverse-engineer their playbook to success and share valuable takeaways with members that are actionable in their own personal and professional lives.

The community, also known as the campus, will enable social connections, discussions, on-demand mentorship, access to live events, job boards and other exciting perks. Members can learn how to lead like a CEO, negotiate like a minister, make decisions like a board member, problem solve like a scientist amongst several other fascinating themes that enables career development.


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