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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Fees for recruiting Filipino worker amounts to SR10,752.50

The Musaned portal, under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), announced that the fees for recruiting a Filipino domestic worker through the (Maarofa) service amounts to SR10,752.50, including VAT.

Musaned program provides the (Maarofa) service that enables people to recruit a selected Filipino domestic worker of their choice. The resumption of recruitment from the Philippines to Saudi Arabia would start from Nov. 7.

The ministry instructed that the recruitment cost should not exceed the upper ceiling for domestic workers from each nationality.

The maximum ceiling of cost for the recruitment of domestic workers from some major countries are the following: SR9,500 — Uganda; SR10,000 — Thailand; SR10,870 — Kenya; SR13,000 —Bangladesh; and SR17,288 — the Philippines. The value-added tax (VAT) is excluded from these charges.


Saudi Gazette

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