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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Family Accuses Jazan School of Negligence After Student Sustains Serious Electrical Injury

A boy student in a school in the southern Jazan region sustained serious injuries due to electrical shock caused from school gym during the physical education period. The student Sattam Fakieh was admitted to intensive care unit of Prince Muhammad bin Nasser Hospital in Jazan after his condition worsened and fell into a coma.

The family members of the student accused the school authorities of negligence in providing first aid and better treatment on time. They complained that the school authorities failed to inform the family about the accident and delayed taking him to hospital. What happened to the student became an instant hit on social media and many twitteratis urged the education authorities to hold accountable those committed negligence with regard to the critical condition of the student.

Sattam is a student at a public school under Abu Arish Education Office in Jazan. According to the family sources, the student sustained injuries after he contacted with a cupboard air-conditioner due to the water leakage while he was attending his physical education session at the school’s gym. The student fell unconscious after an electric short circuit. The family complained that the school authorities had not taken any measures to provide urgent medical assistance to the boy despite the presence of a health guide in the school. But rather they summoned the injured student’s brother, who took him to hospital in his private car.

Sattam’s brother is a student in the same school in the third intermediate grade. His brother’s car caught fire while on their way to the hospital and then passersby came to rescue them.

The family members complained that the school authorities did not communicate the student’s guardian at the time of the accident, and that no safety and preventive measures were taken though the school authorities were well aware about the electrical fault in the gym a few weeks ago.

The family noted that their injured son is admitted to intensive care unit and his condition is critical. The student’s condition worsened due to the delay in giving first aid and proper treatment for the boy.


Saudi Gazette

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