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Saudi ArabiaExpats

Saudi: Expats can make quarterly payment of dependents’ fee

The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) announced that expatriates in the Kingdom can make quarterly payment of the fee for their dependents and companions when they renew their residency permit (iqama) on a quarter-of-a-year basis. Expatriates can make the payment through the updated government payments system available at all the Saudi local banks.

Those who come under the definition of dependents include wife, sons under the age of 18 years and daughters while companions include sons at the age of 18 and above, wives (second, third and fourth), father and mother, father in law, mother in law, domestic workers, and any expatriate who is registered in the Muqeem system as one who is in the service of the expatriate worker.

The monthly fee for all these categories of dependents and companions amounts to SR400 each. Employers shall make payment of the expatriate fee for the renewal of the work permit, which is SR800 per month or SR9,600 in a year.


Saudi Gazette

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