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Saudi ArabiaGCC CountriesHealth

Saudi Evacuates Students from China

Saudi Arabia has evacuated 10 students from the city of Wuhan, where the ongoing coronavirus outbreak originated.

According to a Saudi diplomat cited by state television, Chinese authorities approved a special flight to retrieve the students and transport them back to Saudi Arabia.

No details were provided as to when the evacuation operation took place. In a separate announcement, Saudi Arabian Airlines announced that it would temporarily be suspending flights to China from the evening of February 2.

“All guests holding current bookings will be cancelled and refunded without charges,” the Saudia statement said.

Wuhan – which is located in China’s Hubei province – is considered the centre of the coronavirus outbreak. To date, at least 304 people have died and 14,000 have been infected.

On Sunday, authorities in the Philippines reported the first death from the virus outside China.


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