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Money & BusinessSaudi ArabiaLifestyle

Saudi: Employees entitled to 30-day paid sick leave

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) stressed that employees are entitled to sick leave with full pay for the period of the first 30 days.

The employee will have three-quarters of the wages for the next 60 days of sick leave, and leave without pay for the following 30 days during the period of one year.

The worker’s service shall not be terminated due to illness, before the expiry of the specific periods of sick leave stipulated in the Labor Law. He has the right to request for the slip of his annual sick leave, and if the days of the sick leave fall during the days of the annual leave, the days of the annual leave shall be stopped until the end of the sick leave. Then the annual leave days will be resumed, and the worker is not compensated for the weekly off days that intersect his sick leave days.


Saudi Gazette
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