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EnvironmentSaudi Arabia

Saudi: Eco-friendly buses start operating at Madinah Airport

Environmentally-friendly buses started operation at Prince Muhammad International Airport in Madinah on Thursday.

This is the first time eco-friendly buses, which are fully powered by electricity, are being operated at any of Saudi Arabia’s airports. The buses are equipped with many advanced technical facilities including four cameras to document all information and happenings taking place inside.

The buses are about nine meters long and can cover more than 300 kilometers before recharging, which takes less than two hours. The SAS (Saudi American Solar) buses are characterized for being very quiet and preserving the environment, and they do not emit any pollutants, especially carbon.

The bus has an advanced and highly efficient air conditioning system from the inside, as well as display screens that show all the details of the journey. The bus has an area designated for people with special needs, which gives them the feature of safe self-mobility.


Saudi Gazette

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