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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Doctors Issue E-Prescriptions Via Anaat App

Medical doctors can now issue e-prescriptions in an authenticated fashion via the Anaat app.

A patient can easily get his medicines dispensed from the nearest pharmacy participating in the system, Saudi Press Agency (SPA) cited on Friday the Minister of Health Dr. Tawfiq Al-Rabiah as announcing.

This initiative is meant as a support by the ministry for doctors working remotely and due to its keenness to ensure everybody’s safety. It is also intended to enhance the precautionary measures to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Anaat app is a platform under the auspices of the Ministry of Health and the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties (SCHS). It aims to provide all e-services to health practitioners, like the issuance of electronic medical prescriptions by licensed doctors in the Kingdom.

In addition, it is a social and educational platform via which health practitioners can inter-communicate and exchange scientific expertise (experience?).

The platform has a personal display board for the practitioner containing a schedule for the health practitioner’s scientific activities.

The practitioner will be able to follow the scientific conferences, symposia and workshops approved by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties.


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