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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: COVID-19 Cases Spike to Over 100% Since 1st April

Saudi Arabia saw a spike in coronavirus (COVID-19) cases when the health ministry began its field-testing efforts nearly two weeks ago, targeting suspected infection cluster areas. Since then, there has been a steady increase in daily cases.

Daily record of new coronavirus cases from 1st April to 27th April.

Saudi Arabia’s coronavirus daily case numbers have more than quadrupled over the past few days. The Kingdom’s health minister announced that medical teams had begun actively conducting mass screenings in densely populated neighbourhoods. Therefore, the growing number of cases every day.

Total number of coronavirus cases from 1st April to 27th April.

During the start of April, the total number of COVID-19 cases was 1,720. On 27th April (Monday), the total number of cases rose to 18,811, after 1,289 new cases were reported.

Saudi Arabia also has the most total confirmed deaths in the GCC, with 144 fatalities recorded to date.

Saudi Arabia’s health minister on 7th April warned of a huge spike in coronavirus cases of up to 200,000 within weeks, state media reported.


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