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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Court Sentences Expat to 2 Years for Adulterating Veterinary Preparations

A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced an Arab national to two years imprisonment after finding him guilty of adulterating veterinary preparations. In addition to the jail term, the court has decreed the deportation of the expatriate upon completion of his sentence.

The case was investigated by the Economic Crimes Wing of the Public Prosecution, focusing on violations of the Veterinary Products Law of GCC states and the Anti-Commercial Fraud Law.

The investigations revealed that the accused was involved in the production of adulterated and unregistered veterinary products. He was also found guilty of using forged packaging logos and storing and transporting these products contrary to the approved standards. These activities were undertaken for commercial purposes, leading to detrimental effects on livestock health.

The Public Prosecution has emphasized its commitment to not tolerating such criminal activities that jeopardise livestock protection. It has affirmed that it will continue to seek statutory penalties for those engaging in such harmful practices.


Gulf News

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