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CrimeSaudi Arabia

Saudi Citizen Arrested for Insulting One Region via Audio Spaces

Riyadh region police arrested a citizen on Saturday for insulting one of Saudi Arabia’s regions in one of the social media’s audio spaces.

The citizen has also published content that would prejudice public order and stir up tribal strife. The police confirmed that legal measures were taken against him.

An official source at the Public Prosecution stated that the attorney general’s direction was issued based on what was submitted by the Prosecution Monitoring Center regarding this offensive incident to the region and the sectarian discrimination of this person, who continued to publish contents on other platforms.

The Al-Muajab’s direction was issued according to Article 15 and 17 of Saudi Arabia’s Criminal Procedure Law.

His direction has also included referring the citizen to the Public Prosecution to complete the regular procedures, and to initiate a criminal case against him, in preparation for referring him to the competent court and demanding severe penalties for his abuse.


Saudi Gazette

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