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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Circular setting date for international flights ‘is bogus’

A fake circular suggesting Saudi Arabia will resume international flights in October has been condemned as “completely baseless and fabricated” by the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA).

Rumours that international flights will shortly return have been circulating on social media in recent weeks without any official statement from GACA.

On Tuesday, the authority denied announcing the resumption of international flights and said information being circulated was fabricated.

Since domestic flights restarted on May 31, rumors have been circulating regarding the return of international flights. On Monday, the bogus GACA circular was shared on various social media platforms suggesting flights into and out of Saudi Arabia would resume in October. It sparked a flurry of speculation.

The circular, titled “No flights till October 2020,” said: “An employee of the GACA has stated in a recent interview that all international flights to and from the Kingdom are to remain suspended till the month of October.” Quoting a GACA official, the circular said that the decision was subject to the number of coronavirus cases, which must “come down to three digits.”

GACA official spokesman Ibrahim bin Abdullah Alrwosa said the circular “is completely baseless and fabricated”, according to Arab News. He shared a tweet from the authority’s public relations department describing the circular as incorrect.

The civil aviation authority has previously said there is no specific date for the resumption of international flights, he added. All international flights remain suspended until further notice.


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