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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Buffets services halted in Mecca, Medina as cases surge

Saudi authorities have decided to suspend the open buffet service traditionally offered by restaurants in the month of Ramadan in the holy cities of Mecca and Medina as part of efforts to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, according to local media.

Spokesman for the Mecca municipality Raad Al Sharif said the open buffet service at restaurants will be suspended and food banquets held outdoors will be banned during Ramadan expected to start on April 13.

“The municipality has formed field teams to follow up on compliance with health protocols by restaurants,” he added in media remarks.

Similarly, authorities in Medina announced halting the open buffet service at restaurants and food banquets in districts of the holy city in Ramadan.

The Medina municipality also said that stores in shopping malls will be allowed to work round the clock to curb crowding of shoppers as an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. The city’s municipal authorities vowed to intensify field inspection tours to ensure compliance with the rules in place against the highly contagious ailment.


Gulf News

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