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Money & BusinessSaudi ArabiaExpats

Saudi banks start updating govt payments system for 3-month iqama renewal

Saudi banks have started updating their government payments system for the issuance and renewal of residency permits (iqamas), which are linked to work permits, for a minimum period of three months. According to the recently updated government payments system, payments of iqama fee can be made on a quarterly or half-yearly basis.

This will facilitate completing the procedures of issuance and renewal of iqamas for the required period through the online platforms of Absher Business, Muqeem, and Qiwa under the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.

According to the recent amendments in the government payment system, banks will accept the fee payment for the work permit by the employer for a minimum period of three months or its multiples of six months, nine months or a whole year.

However, employers will not be allowed to make payment for the issuance and renewal of iqama of domestic workers and the like on a quarterly basis because their iqamas do not involve work permits.


Saudi Gazette
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