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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Aviation Authority Issues Travel Guidelines for Domestic Flights

The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) has issued a travelers’ guide as Saudi domestic flights are set to resume on Sunday, state news agency SPA reported.

The guide includes the precautionary measures at airports and the safety rules passengers will have to follow.

Travelers are also required to disclose their medical information, especially if they are experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms, when booking flights and electronic payments are the preferred mode.

Ticket outlets at airports will remain closed to limit contact between people, GACA said.
Passengers also will need to arrive at airports two hours before departure, go through a thermal check, sterilize their hands before entrance and must wear masks and gloves at all times.

Only one piece of carry-on luggage is allowed per person and everyone must maintain a safe distance at all times, guided by special stickers on the ground. Accompanying travelers to airports is limited to those helping senior citizens and people with disabilities, GACA added.

Airline staff, like passengers, will be required to disinfect their hands, and wear masks and gloves. Meanwhile, airports will be cleaned every three hours and planes will be disinfected after each flight.

Aboard flights, there will be an empty seat between passengers, who are also discouraged from using cash payments for services and goods purchased during the flight.


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