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Saudi Arabia

Saudi: Automatic extension of expats’ residence permits

Residence permits (iqamas) of expatriates benefiting from a recent royal decree will automatically be extended, the Directorate General of Passports (Jawazat) has said.

Earlier this month, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman ordered extending validity of expired exit and return visas for migrant workers abroad for another three months free of charge.

The move came after those expatriates have been unable to return to the Kingdom over suspension of air travel due to the new coronavirus pandemic.

Jawazat officials would coordinate with the National Information Center, an affiliate of the Interior Ministry, for the automatic extension of expatriates’ residence permits without the need to apply.

“The government has issued several directives, including the categories exempted from fees and fines covering expatriates with valid iqamats who left the Kingdom on exit-return visas, but could not come back and their iqamas or visas have expired,” Jawazat chief Maj. Gen. Sulaiman Abdulaziz Al-Yahya was quoted by local media as saying.

The exempted categories, added the official, comprises expatriates who hold exit-return visas or final exit visas but could not use them as well as foreigners who came to the Kingdom to visit relatives or business, but could not leave.


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