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CrimeSaudi Arabia

Saudi Authorities Thwart Drug Smuggling Attempts Across the Country

Saudi authorities in the Eastern Province arrested two Pakistanis and one Saudi citizen in Jeddah for trafficking methamphetamine on Wednesday, state news reported.

Border patrol officers seized 110kg of khat on the same day in the Al Dair sector of the Jazan region as the large-scale crackdown on illegal drug operations continued across the kingdom.

“Drug dealers and smugglers, and those who target our society and our country, will not be spared,” said Minister of Interior Prince Abdulaziz bin Saud.

A Saudi citizen in the Northern Borders region was arrested for selling amphetamine by the narcotics control division, Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday.

The land patrol division in Jazan also foiled an attempt to smuggle 93kg of khat.

Citizens in the kingdom have been urged to report any suspicious activity related to drugs on a hotline and through the government’s website. Financial rewards have been offered to those who help authorities capture drugs or dealers.

Saudi authorities in Riyadh arrested a Moroccan woman and three Saudi citizens for selling 14.5kg of hashish and amphetamine on Wednesday, SPA reported. The group is suspected to have sold other drugs and was found in possession of firearms and an undisclosed amount of money.

Two Pakistani residents were arrested in the capital for selling 17,780 tablets that were found to be medically approved. The General Directorate of Narcotics Control arrested the Pakistani residents on Wednesday, according to state media.


The National News

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