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Saudi Arabia

Saudi authorities confiscate 8 tonnes of expired food

Saudi municipality of West Dammam has confiscated more than eight tonnes of food, after a raid on an apartment used as a warehouse and a factory to make sweets, Saudi media reported.

Engineer Faisal Al Qahtani, head of West Dammam municipality, said the Environmental Health Department in the municipality, in cooperation with the security authorities, raided an apartment that was using a warehouse and a factory to make sweets and cakes for one of the commercial businesses in the region, as part of inspections to ensure businesses abide by municipal regulations.

He added that a large part of pre-prepared cakes and sweets were found to be expired.

“The municipality conducts regular inspections of licensed food establishments to ensure compliance with our regulations, and will not hesitate to take legal action if necessary,” Al Qahtani said.

Members of the public who come across any potentially errant food operator are advised to report it to the municipality via the toll-free telephone number 940, he said.

Al Qahtani said food safety is a joint responsibility. “While the municipality puts in place and enforces the regulatory measures, food operators must play their part by adhering to good food hygiene and preparation practices and members of the public’s feedback is crucial,” he said.


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