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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Astronauts Splashdown on Earth After Space Mission

Saudi astronauts Ali al-Qarni and Rayyanah Barnawi – the first Arab woman ever sent into orbit – splashed down on Earth safely Wednesday after a 12-hour journey, capping an eight-day research mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS).

The SpaceX Crew Dragon vessel carrying the astronauts, undocked from ISS on Tuesday to begin its return flight. The capsule parachuted into the Gulf of Mexico off Panama City, Florida, shortly after 7 a.m. UAE time following a re-entry through Earth’s atmosphere. Barnawi was seen leaving the vessel shortly afetr 7:50 a.m. with the help of onground crew.

She gave a smile and waved to cameras as she was led away from the vessel. She was shortly followed by al-Qarni who was the last to leave the vessel.

The four-man crew – which included American colleagues, Peggy Whitson and John Shoffner – who make up the four-person crew dubbed the Axiom-2 mission – re-entered the planet’s atmosphere at about 7 a.m. Two parachutes were then deployed to help slow down the Dragon capsule. The splashdown happened at about 7:04 a.m.

A SpaceX recovery boat was then deployed to the vessel to unlock the hatch and retrieve the crew.

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