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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: Virus cases set to rise, warn health chiefs

Saudi health chiefs on Monday warned members of the public to prepare for an increase in the number of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) cases in the Kingdom.

With infection rates on the rise throughout the world, changing weather conditions, and people dropping their guard over safety precautions, Ministry of Health officials predicted an upsurge in cases was inevitable.

Dr. Hani Joukhadar, the ministry’s undersecretary for public health, said: “Cases began to increase in most countries around the world, reaching unprecedented numbers in the US, England, France, Italy, and Spain.

“After numbers in these countries reached a stable status during the virus’ first wave, numbers in other countries began to increase, and this is expected to happen again.”

He added that a second wave of COVID-19 in many countries had come about following an easing of restrictions and people failing to adhere to precautionary measures.

“In Saudi Arabia, we expect an increase in cases as the weather is changing and more people are encouraged to go out and gather in homes. We also notice that people are less committed to wearing masks in public places,” Joukhadar said.

He hoped that awareness among Saudis and expats would help prevent a major second wave in the Kingdom but warned that the number of cases was still expected to increase.


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